Monday, June 23, 2014

Welcome to my journey...

!Bienvenida! I am headed to Alicante, Spain 4,526 miles away from home! “Why?” you may ask. Well, I have enjoyed studying Spanish ever since I started taking Spanish classes in the 10th grade. The more I learned about the language and culture, the more I loved it. I continued to take Spanish classes in college and decided it was the good idea to study abroad to further my learning. The opportunity to study abroad was presented to me by Shorter. It was all just a dream when I applied to be approved to study abroad in, my location of choice, Alicante, Spain. I was full of joy as soon as I got my approval letter. Ever since then I have been raising money, applying for this and that, getting forms signed, registering for classes, researching, speaking with other students, etc. It seems like I already have it planned out and figured out, but I know this is just the beginning.

Friday, June 27th, I fly out of the United States. Wow. My first international flight by myself. I am not afraid. I have had experience flying before, and I enjoy it. I will fly from Atlanta to Amsterdam and from Amsterdam to Alicante. I will be staying with a host family there and attending the local university, Universidad de Alicante. I am beyond excited about this trip. Please continue to follow me on my journey through here my blog, Facebook, Instagram (@millieeep), or all three! I will be writing in a journal, blogging, and taking lots and lots of photos.

Thank you for your support {Gracias} – Millie 


  1. I am so proud & excited for you. I know this was dream of yours that will finally come true on Friday. You have worked so hard raising your $$ that was given to you to full fill your dream by many wonderful family members & friends. I know your host family will love you like we love you! Will be looking forward to reading your post & enjoying your pictures! I love you, Nana

  2. Dearest Millie,

    I completely agree with your Nana! I am SO proud of and excited for you! And, thank you for adding the RSS feed; it works perfectly.

    I am thrilled to be able to embark on this journey with you!

    Lots of love,
    Professor Leak
